Today is the first day of Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2010. This is my second year joining in the festivities. Last year I registered on a whim to see what it was all about. I ended up getting short listed for Most Extravagant Giveaways. I didn't win my category but had such a love

Today's topic is First Treasures: We invite you to share with us about a great new book blog you’ve discovered since BBAW last year! If you are new to BBAW or book blogging, share with us the very first book blog you discovered. Tell us why this blog rocks your socks off and why you keep going back for more. (description from BBAW site.)
I have discovered so many wonderful blogs since last years event it's really hard to pick just one. So, I'm gonna feature three blogs I've discovered in the last year that I really love.

I believe I mentioned this last year but for any new readers.... back when I first started blogging the first blog I read was Ramblings On Romance Etc..., and it's one I still read and love to this day. :)
This was a fun post to do. I look forward to reading other "First Treasures". Later today I will post my BBAW Giveaway.
Besides Ramblings on Romance, I think all of these blogs are new to me! Thanks for the recs, Anna!
ReplyDeleteWelcome! Thanks for stopping by Amy. :)
ReplyDeleteSince your blog focuses on a genre I don't read often, I think these are all new to me. As is your blog :)
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss that Urban Fantasy blog? BBAW is very dangerous to the reader!
ReplyDeleteI would like to read more Urban fantasy. I'm glad you mentioned that blog. Thanx.
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss all these great blogs, yours included! Another perk of BBAW-meeting new bloggers!
ReplyDeleteWow, these are all new to me! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteYou’ve listed quite a few bloggers I haven't heard of, except for ATUB who I love (she's a pick of mine today) Thanks for the rec's I’m off to explore and add yet more to my Google reader :)
ReplyDeleteA great little list of blogs I haven't heard of. I'll definitely have to check out All Things Urban Fantasy. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by. Yes the ol' google read is definitely gonna get a work out today. :)