Monday, September 12, 2011

BBAW 2011: Community

Book Blogger Appreciation Week kick off. This is my third year participating. If you are new to blogging or wonder what it's all about check it out through the link above. It's a fun time. :)

Today's daily topic is: Community

I have been blogging for 4 years now and I am still in awe with how great the blogging community is and the wonderful blogs & people that are out there. No matter what genre your passionate about, you'll find your place among us.  I thought about this topic quite a bit and there are a lot great blogs out there that I could name. But there are two blogs that a frequent everyday. While both are miles from me they are truly great bloggers and wonderful friends.

I met Michelle from Michelle's Book Blog in 2007 on MySpace. I see her as my book mate through our love of Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy. Although we differ when it comes to Zombies (she loves them and I do not. ;)) We do agree on most things when it comes to PNR & UF. She is a excellent reviewer/blogger and a great friend. Reviewing close to all the books she reads. I'm always interested in what she thought, even the reviews/books that are not necessarily my thing. None of my friends here at home read what I do, so it's really great to have someone to talk to about all the books I read. Whether it's chatting about the latest books we bought or discussions about the latest True Blood episode, we always have a good time.

A few years ago Amy of My Overstuffed Bookshelf actually stumbled upon my blog. She had sent me a email. Explaining who she was and that she was new to blogging and asking for advice.  At the time I still felt pretty new to blogging and really didn't think I could help much. But I thought about it, and well dang I wish I had, had someone to help me when I was starting out. So I emailed her back and we've been friends ever since. She is a wonderful reviewer/blogger. What I really love about Amy is the passion she has for what she reads and her blogger friends.  I've seen many times when there has been negativity towards a book, author or blogger... she always has your back with fierce conviction.

This seems to have turned out to be more about friendship than Community/blogging. But for me they go hand in hand. If you get a chance stop by and check these two blogs out. :)


  1. Hi, I am stopping by to visit your blog via the list of posts for Day one

    Please Stop by My Blog if you Like

    I have read and posted on several paranormal short stories this week-I hope you have a great BBAW

  2. Hi Mel,

    Thanks for stopping by. I'm definitely gonna check out your blog. :)

  3. Making friends is what the community is all about and it seems as you have two awesome bloggers who have made blogging for you very special.

  4. Anna,

    :) You know, I never would have started blogging if it had not been for your encouragement and advice.

    Thank you.


  5. How nice you've made such good blogging friends. I love it when I find people that have the same taste in books.

  6. Aww Myspace, those were they days.

    Michelle is a great blogger :D Just like you

  7. I think it's funny how you can get to know other bloggers so well, even if you never meet in real life.

  8. Aww..thank you so much Anna. I am so glad I had the guts to email you that day and ask for your advice. You are an amazing blogger and even more amazing friend! You have helped me out so much and your friendship is one of the best things I have found with blogging!

  9. Joining blogger was one of the best things I did. Some days it keeps me from pulling out my hair. ;)



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