Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish People I Want To Meet

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each Tuesday features a different topic and you post your top ten list related to the topic.

This weeks topic is Top Bookish People You Want To Meet (Authors, Bloggers, etc.)

Top 5 Authors 
5. Kelley Armstrong

I have a very long list of favorite authors, but these five authors are at the top of my list and I would love to meet them.  I'm a shy person, so I would probably be very nervous... but it would be worth it.

Top 5 Bloggers
1. Michelle G. at Michelle's Book Blog
2. Amy C. at Romance Book Wyrm
4. Barbara formally of Happily Ever After
5. Christine at The Happily Ever After...

These 5 women have been great friends over the years and I would sometime love to meet each of them. Being a big book geek, most around here don't get my obsession with books. So It's nice to know that there are other people out there that get excited as much as I do about books. Michelle, Amy C and Christine I met through MySpace and I met Barbara and Amy J. through blogging. 


  1. Those are great choices in authors!!! I have met some and would die to meet the WARDen.

    OUaT's TTT

  2. It'd be way cool to meet JR Ward. I love the BDB series.

  3. I agree on your authors. Would love to meet them and talk books with them.

    And can you imagine the fun we would have if all of us bloggers and friends got together?! I don't think a town would survive our meeting! LOL

  4. Great picks! I haven't been able to meet any of my fellow bloggers yet, but I would love to! Here’s my TTT: http://whatsontheshelf.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/top-ten-tuesday-21/”>Top Ten Tuesday

  5. Wish I could connect in person with more bloggers. the curse of living in a small city, I guess. Love your picks and your list of most wanteds. :)

  6. Yay Kim Harrison! She *almost* made my list--love the Hallows series!



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