Monday, April 3, 2017

March Reading List

Guardians of the Galaxy #1- Lanning|Marz|Duarte|Delgado [3/5]
Guardians of the Galaxy #17- Bendis|Bradshaw|Oeming|Ponsor [4/5]
Ultimate Thor #1- Hickman|Pacheco|Vines [3/5]
X-Men #1: Rubicon- Christopher Chris Claremont & Jim Lee [4/5]
Star Wars Aftermath: Empire's End- Chuck Wendig [5/5]
X-Men #45: Special Anniversary Issue- Nicieza|Kubert|Smith [4/5]
X-Men #71: A House In Order- Kelly|Pacheco|Thibert [4/5]
X-Men #109- Claremont|Derenik [4/5]
Preacher Book One- Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon [4/5]
Batman|TMNT Adventures #2- Manning|Sommariva|Parsons|Ito [4/5]
Star Wars: The Force Awakens #1- Wendig|Ross|Martin [4/5]
Teen Titans #24: When Titans Fall- Bedard|Churchill|Rapmund|Avina [3/5]
Inhumans vs X-Men #3- Soule|Lemire|Garron [3/5]
The Turn- Kim Harrison [4/5]
Ms. Marvel Vol. 5: Super Famous- Wilson|Leon|Miyazawa|Alphona [4/5]
Trinity #1- Francis Manapul [3/5]

Happy April & Happy Reading!
Looking forward for Spring coming to Minnesota. Keeping
My fingers crossed we are done with the snow. 

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