Guardians of the Galaxy #17- Bendis|Bradshaw|Oeming|Ponsor [4/5]
Ultimate Thor #1- Hickman|Pacheco|Vines [3/5]
X-Men #1: Rubicon- Christopher Chris Claremont & Jim Lee [4/5]
Star Wars Aftermath: Empire's End- Chuck Wendig [5/5]
X-Men #45: Special Anniversary Issue- Nicieza|Kubert|Smith [4/5]
X-Men #71: A House In Order- Kelly|Pacheco|Thibert [4/5]
X-Men #109- Claremont|Derenik [4/5]
Preacher Book One- Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon [4/5]
Batman|TMNT Adventures #2- Manning|Sommariva|Parsons|Ito [4/5]
Star Wars: The Force Awakens #1- Wendig|Ross|Martin [4/5]
Teen Titans #24: When Titans Fall- Bedard|Churchill|Rapmund|Avina [3/5]
Inhumans vs X-Men #3- Soule|Lemire|Garron [3/5]
The Turn- Kim Harrison [4/5]
Ms. Marvel Vol. 5: Super Famous- Wilson|Leon|Miyazawa|Alphona [4/5]
Trinity #1- Francis Manapul [3/5]
Happy April & Happy Reading!
Looking forward for Spring coming to Minnesota. Keeping
My fingers crossed we are done with the snow.
Looking forward for Spring coming to Minnesota. Keeping
My fingers crossed we are done with the snow.
Happy April!