Saturday, September 23, 2017

Book Haul [192]


Generations: Iron Man & Iron Heart- Bendis|Rudy|Kudranski|Leon
Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Hot in the City-Connor|Palmiotti|Hardin|Roux|Sinclair|Mounts
Star Wars: Leia: Princess of Alderaan- Claudia Gray
Star Wars: Mace Windu #1- Owen|Cowan|Poggi
Generations: Captain Mar-vell & Captain Marvel #1- Stohl|Schoonover|Boyd
Generations: Hawkeye & Hawkeye #1- Thompsom|Raffaele|Digikore

1 comment:

  1. Lots of awesome graphic novels. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love



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